We want to help!

No one wants to hear the word ‘cancer.’ The journey is physically and emotionally taxing
regardless of type, stage, and treatment. The DRIPBaR Phoenix Biltmore supports our cancer
community because we’ve been there; through the peaks and valleys during these seasons. To
assist those in treatment, we administer high-dose vitamin C as a complementary therapy.

High-dose vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, has been a subject of interest in cancer
research for its potential benefits. One significant benefit of high-dose vitamin C is its potential
to enhance the effectiveness of traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and
radiation therapy. Vitamin C, as an antioxidant, can help mitigate the oxidative stress induced
by these treatments, reducing the damage to healthy cells. While it’s important to note that
vitamin C is not a cure for cancer, some research suggests that high concentrations 
of vitamin C may selectively target cancer cells, promoting their sensitivity to chemotherapy and facilitating the destruction of malignant cells.

Vitamin C, in its own right, has immune-boosting properties. Cancer patients often experience
compromised immune systems due to the disease itself or the side effects of treatments. High-
dose vitamin C may play a role in strengthening the immune response, aiding the body in its
natural defense mechanisms against cancer cells. Cancer and its treatments can lead to fatigue, nausea, and a weakened state. Vitamin C's ability to address oxidative stress and inflammation may help reduce these symptoms, enhancing the overall comfort of individuals undergoing cancer treatments.

Cancer is a challenging journey, and we understand the difficulties you or your loved one may
be facing. We want to help. High-dose vitamin C can enhance the effectiveness of traditional
treatments, support the immune system, and relieve symptoms for cancer patients. At The
DRIPBaR Phoenix Biltmore, we are proud to support our cancer community and we are here to
assist you in any way we can.