Folksy Tales

The Five Pound Bag

We senior men just don’t understand certain things. Take for example a woman’s purse. When
we were young, we had other things on our minds. Now we question the five-pound bag. Yes, I
am talking about women’s purses. Have you noticed that a woman’s left shoulder sags? That is
from carrying 5 lbs. of whatever.

In my younger days, when I backpacked, I was very cautious of what I carried in my backpack.
The weight of every item was critical. Now women do not care if they have the whole bathroom
paraphernalia in that bag. What could they possibly be putting in those bags.?

So, what’s in the bag? That is a big secret. God help you if we men dare to look in the bag. That is taboo, off limits. We men learn that at an early stage in life. Logically it would be practical for her to have her credit card(s) and driver’s license in the purse. PS, her weight is not true on her driver’s license. I could also guess there is a comb, lipstick, eyelash curler, and makeup cream for the face and who knows what else? Maybe that is what takes her so long in the bathroom, digging around for all those items.

We men are tolerant and realize that her purse is part of the persona. Her purse is important.
Women cannot have an ordinary bag. She spends big bucks purchasing that special bag to
enhance her appearance. That is why she spends hours looking for that unique purse. We men
have learned as we age to be tolerant of her shopping, selecting, and purchasing that high-priced bag to carry her five-pound bunch of stuff.

Remember men, happy wife, happy life!

Wayne McDaniel is a long-time resident of the Robley Rd. community and a retired educator.