Red Wine’s Health Benefits

OK…full disclosure: We love wine and are in the wine business. So, there is the possible tendency to justify our regular consumption of red wine. That said, there is substantial scientific evidence underscoring the benefits of drinking red wine in moderation.   
Turns out enjoying a glass of antioxidant-rich red wine can do much more than help you unwind after a long day and make dinner more delicious. White wine, while enjoyable, doesn’t offer up the same level of benefits as red wine because it isn’t fermented on its skins, which contain most of the health benefits.
Perhaps you’ve heard of the French paradox. The French have comparatively lower levels of heart disease than other first world populations, despite the fact they enjoy high levels of saturated fats in their diets. But they also consume red wine with greater frequency (it’s a staple at most French dinner tables).
Moderation is the key. One glass of red wine for women and two for men per day is considered moderate by the American Heart Association. The Fridstein Wine Science Institute (aka, Gail and I) would argue for a bit more wine each day, but that claim isn’t backed up by hard research. We’ll leave it at that.
What do you get when you enjoy a glass of red wine? Turns out, you get quite a bit of healthy perks, based on the latest research.
Red wine helps regulate blood sugar levels, according to the American Diabetes Association. It actually lowers your blood sugar for up to 24 hours (of note, red wine is NOT to be substituted for glucose management medications!).
It’s also rich in polyphenols, which are antioxidants that help the body fight off disease. It’s loaded in Resveratrol, which may help improve short-term memory. In fact, some studies have shown that red wine may have the ability to lower the risk and/or the progression of dementia. Again, moderation is key, because overconsumption of alcohol has the opposite effect.
There is even research showing that the antioxidants in red wine can help prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol because it raises the levels of HDL, the good cholesterol, and thereby helps protect your arteries.
Recent studies are emerging that point to red wine as possibly having the ability to slightly reduce the risk of cancer by inhibiting the growth of certain cancerous cells.
The French may be on to something. And researchers are proving them right. So, enjoy a guilt-free glass of red wine at dinner tonight and know you may actually be doing something good for your health!